Hewanorra International Airport (UVF) Taxi Rate 2025

Go by Taxi team occasionally verify these rate, Learn more
Standard Taxi
Luxury Service
Hewanorra International Airport - Vieux Fort 30 
Hewanorra International Airport - Castries 80 
Hewanorra International Airport - Soufriere 80 
Hewanorra International Airport - Rodney Bay 90 
Hewanorra International Airport - Vieux Fort 40 
Hewanorra International Airport - Castries 120 
Hewanorra International Airport - Rodney Bay 120 
Hewanorra International Airport - Soufriere 120 
Hewanorra International Airport - Vieux Fort 75 
Hewanorra International Airport - Castries 130 
Hewanorra International Airport - Rodney Bay 130 
Hewanorra International Airport - Soufriere 130 
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How do we verify taxi rates in Hewanorra International Airport?

Taxi rates at Hewanorra International Airport occasionally change based on several factors such as gas prices and government taxes. Go by Taxi tracks taxi fares at Hewanorra International Airport by periodically reaching out to local taxi operators and asking for quotes for popular routes. Additionally, the team gathers feedback from recent travelers to the airport. If you find any discrepancies, please help others by reporting them here.

How do taxi rates in Hewanorra International Airport work?

Taxis in Saint Lucia are unmetered, with fares influenced by factors like time of day, number of passengers, and luggage quantity. The government sets tariffs, however, prices aren't fully regulated and can vary with fluctuating fuel costs. Always confirm fare type, whether in US or EC dollars, and note that cash is the primary accepted payment.

Could’t find your Hewanorra International Airport route?
Contact these drivers to get an exclusive price
Rodney bay, Gros islet, St.Lucia
Fond Beniere, Soufriere, St Lucia
Beanfield Vieux Fort, St Lucia
Augier Main Road, Vieux Fort, St Lucia
P3Q3+3QC, Micoud Hwy, Vieux Fort, St Lucia
Hewanorra International Airport, Vieux Fort, St Lucia
Vieux Fort, St Lucia
La Resource, Vieux Fort, St Lucia
Are you a taxi driver in Hewanorra International Airport?

Hewanorra International Airport Taxi Rates Tips

Confirm Rates
In Hewanorra International Airport, always inquire about the fare before starting
Research Fares
Know typical Saint Lucia taxi fares to establish a negotiation basis
Local Insights
Ask Saint Lucia residents for recommended taxi services
Saint Lucia taxis aren't metered; consider discussing the fare
Carry Cash
Some Saint Lucia drivers offer better rates for cash payments
Share Rides
In Saint Lucia, consider sharing taxis to split costs with tourists

How to get taxi in Hewanorra International Airport?

Getting a taxi in Saint Lucia is straightforward. Every licensed taxi can be easily identified by their light blue number plate with a "TX" prefix. If you're flying into Saint Lucia and your accommodation doesn't offer airport transfers, you have two main options: either pre-book a taxi or simply hire one from the taxi ranks once you land. During your stay, taxis can be conveniently located. Most hotels provide taxi information at the front desk. Alternatively, in towns or commercial districts, there are designated taxi stands, often near major supermarkets.

Licensed taxis can be easily identified in Saint Lucia

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