United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi Taxi Fare Calculator 2025

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How is a taxi fare
calculated in Abu Dhabi

Several factors impact the taxi fare in Abu Dhabi

Taxi fare (2025)

Base fee (day)
Price per KM
1.8 AED
Waiting time per hour
Taxi rate calculation example

Let’s say you want to get from your hotel to Abu Dhabi city center and the ride is 5km. You’re traveling by day and you have 1 luggage. Your total price will be 21 AED.

Taxi fare calculator

Taxi fare in Abu Dhabi

When planning a trip to Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, it's essential to understand local taxi rates to budget for transportation. In Abu Dhabi, the base rate for a taxi is 12 AED, with an additional cost of 1.8 AED per kilometer traveled. The hourly waiting rate is 30 AED.

Abu Dhabi taxi fares can be estimated using the Abu Dhabi Taxi Fare Calculator, which takes into account factors such as route and destination. Taxis provide a convenient and reliable transportation option in the city and are an affordable way to travel between Abu Dhabi and Dubai.

Factors such as traffic and weather conditions can influence the final taxi fare. By understanding how much a taxi in Abu Dhabi costs, you can make informed decisions about transportation during your trip. Whether you're traveling from Dubai to Abu Dhabi or exploring the city's modern architecture and cultural attractions, knowing Abu Dhabi taxi rates will help ensure a smooth journey in this dynamic destination.

Taxi fare in United Arab Emirates
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M-17, Mussafah - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Industrial - Musaffah - M-40 - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
Plot No.2, M-36 Mussafah - المدينة الصناعية - Abu Dhabi - United Arab Emirates
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Cities in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi taxi fare - FAQ

Is Uber available in Abu Dhabi?
Yes! Uber is available in Abu Dhabi, providing a convenient and reliable transportation option for locals and visitors alike. With just a few taps on the Uber app, you can easily request a ride and be picked up by a nearby driver in a matter of minutes. Whether you need to explore the city's attractions, get to work, or meet friends Uber is ready to take you where you need to go in Abu Dhabi.
What are the different types of taxis available in Abu Dhabi?
There are various types of taxis available in Abu Dhabi, including regular taxis, Pink taxis that are driven only by women, airport taxis that offer specific routes from the airport to the city center, and family taxis that can accommodate up to six passengers.
How many taxis are available in Abu Dhabi?
There are over 6,000 taxis available in Abu Dhabi, making it easy to find a ride when you need one.
What is the average cost of a taxi ride in Abu Dhabi?
The cost of a taxi ride in Abu Dhabi is very reasonable, with fares regulated throughout the city. Fares are calculated based on the distance traveled, and you can expect to pay around €3 (AED 12.00) for any trip within Abu Dhabi during the day.
How can you pay for a taxi ride in Abu Dhabi?
Taxis in Abu Dhabi accept both cash and card payments. However, the vehicles don't have POS machines, so if you prefer to pay by card, you can download the Abu Dhabi taxi app and pay by scanning the QR code shown on the taximeter after completing your trip.
Can I pay for an Abu Dhabi taxi with a card?
Yes, taxis in Abu Dhabi accept both card and cash payments. However, the vehicles don't have POS machines. If you prefer to use card payment, you can download the Abu Dhabi taxi app and pay by scanning the QR code shown on the taximeter after completing your trip.
Are there any regulations for taxis in Abu Dhabi?
Yes, all taxi fares are regulated throughout the city and are calculated based on the distance travelled. Additionally, all taxis are equipped with CCTV cameras to ensure a safe and excellent service for the passengers. Furthermore, taxi drivers are required to have air-conditioning on due to the high temperatures in Abu Dhabi, and they must wear a seatbelt at all times.
Is tipping required for taxi drivers in Abu Dhabi?
No, tipping your driver isn't required in Abu Dhabi. However, if you receive exceptional service, you can round up your fare. For longer routes, it's common to tip your driver 10% of your ride's cost.
Are wheelchair accessible taxis available in Abu Dhabi?
Yes, Abu Dhabi is one of the most organised cities when it comes to wheelchair accessible taxis, and many companies provide minivans and spacious taxis for electric wheelchairs or mobility scooters.
How much is a taxi in Abu Dhabi?
A 5km ride in Abu Dhabi costs about 21 AED. Enter your route to get a more accurate price. In general the price is affected by several factors including the route length and the driver’s waiting time.
How do I order a taxi in Abu Dhabi?
You can stop a taxi on the street in Abu Dhabi or use a ride hailing app. We recommend using an app in Abu Dhabi as these services monitor the quality of the drivers and taxis on an ongoing basis.
What other ways are there to get around in Abu Dhabi?
if you can’t find a taxi Abu Dhabi or the price is too high you can always take a bus, rent a scooter, a bicycle or a car. Walking is also a great option if it’s a short distance and the weather suits.
How do I calculate the taxi fare in Abu Dhabi?
Simply enter your starting point and destination at gobytaxi.com. We’ll calculate the estimated price based on Abu Dhabi taxi fares and your specific route. This will also work for destinations outside Abu Dhabi.
What’s the price of Taxi in Abu Dhabi per KM?
The starting price of a taxi in Abu Dhabi is 12.0 AED. Each KM is then priced at 1.8 AED. if you need the driver to wait for you this will cost 30.0 AED per hour.

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